Hier zwei Referenzen von ausgewählten Kunden. Für weitere Referenzen z.b. von Kunden aus Ihrer Branche, sprechen Sie mich bitte direkt an.
Hartwig Hennekes PhD - Head of Project Management - Merck Serono
The Project Managers, who went through the PM Curriculum, which Ralf created, were enthusiastic about the workshops, especially the Advanced PM Training. This training curriculum clearly helped them fulfilling their role in the matrix organization more proficiently.
Fernando J. Gomez PhD - Associate Director Latin America - World Economic Forum
Ralf was my executive coach in the third year of my Global Leadership Fellows Program at the World Economic Forum. He coached me in the search for my real professional drivers – well beyond my skills profile. This was an excellent guide and will be an integral element of my career management in the near- and long-term future.
.......motivierend, sympathisch; wird nicht langweilig
.......tolles "Arbeitsklima"
.......sehr engagiert, sehr kompetent; konnte Fragen gut beantworten und Hilfestellung geben
.......Herr Eulentrop verstand den Bezug zu unserem Projekt XXXX herzustellen. Er ist auf alle Fragen sehr gut eingegangen